Luigi Makes It

Sviluppo App iOS & Siti Web


NextBeach is a totally free mobile App designed for travelers and explorers who want to get the best from their seaside holiday.


Website :
NextBeach App is perfect for discovering new beaches exploring Countries and Coastlines on the Map.
It is possible to refine search according to users’s flavors and needs like “party beaches” or “families beaches”.
Users can get directions to reach even the most inaccessible baech and reserve their spot by the sea contacting nearby resorts directly from the App.
More than 5000 worldwide beaches and resorts are already part of NextBeach.
The experience becomes interactive through the community, which grows day by day thanks to users’ photos, reviews and descriptions.
If a beach’s not been added to the platform yet, users can create it obtaining rights about it and becoming explorers. App is available for iPhone and iPad and can be downloaded at


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